Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ah, the Fan Mail.

Talk about finding interesting THINGS to do - I ACTUALLLY READ one of them spam emails today. I guess the 'Greetings Poweryogi!' sucked me in, and the possibility of FINALLY finding my true LOVE kept me going. Excuse the CAPS, they are just in character with the LETTER, reproduced below. Why? 'coz I want to BLOG, and can't find ANY other inspiration right now.

Greetings Poweryogi!.!

at first I should tell you about my appear, so I got E-mail from one DATING AGENCY but really that was VERY STRANGE for me because I closed all my accounts at DATING SITES, because I don't like people who are interested just in non SERIOUS RELATIONS, I have much FRIENDS from that sites but really I did not find someone special for me....

But I got your E-mail address and thought "MAYBE THAT IS MY DESTINY" to find someone special?
Really there was written that you wish to know me.
So I don't know where you did get MY E-MAIL ADDRESS but I hope that is NOT JUST MISTAKE.

I hope to hear from you soon....
If you decide to answer me I promise to SEND YOU big LETTER and MY BEST PHOTOS !!! I'd like to learn more about you. PLEASE, WRITE ME some lines about your personality, your hobbies, your way of life. I'm really interested to know!
As for me, I'm an easy-going and open-hearted person. I take life as it comes and have optimistic views. It doesn't mean that nothing makes me sad, but I consider all the difficulties in my life to be useful for me.

I'm very communicative and like to spend time in a good company. I enjoy outdoors activities and sport. What about you? Do you go in for sports?
Hope to hear from you soon, please use to answer me ! I wit your letter with large impatience . Please do it for me .



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tsk. That Katya, she has a way with words ;-)

25 May, 2006 20:16  
Blogger Josekin said...

poweryogi, can I get seconds?

25 May, 2006 23:27  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, she sounds like a catch! See, I told you I would leave you a message. Alright, back to Emily Dickinson. :0)

26 May, 2006 00:28  
Blogger PowerYogi said...

Byron - she does know the way to a man's blog!

JoseKin - you can have it all, my friend. I am going to refer her to you once I compose a fitting reply.

Rachna - I bet Ms. Dickinson has nothing on "I wit your letter with large impatience."

:-) :-)

26 May, 2006 15:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo no, and I thought I was the only one for Katya. Strangely she adresses me as blog, but I guess names are different from country to country. :P

btw: I read'em too, at least the funny ones....

28 May, 2006 15:50  
Blogger PowerYogi said...

damn, this katya woman casts a wide net, doesn't she :)

28 May, 2006 18:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, yes she does!

Something completely different : how many "rolex" ,"cialis" , stock watchers and mortage dealers are there really in total ?
I'm amazed by the fact that it still pays off to do this kind of advertising.

29 May, 2006 01:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait until her second email.
I replied only asking who Tim was, since the email address said it was from Tim.. :)
I got a reply with a couple of picks. She thanked me for telling her about myself and family..
LOL I had sad nothing else.
I replied with giberish, and am now waiting to see how she thanks me for it.

29 May, 2006 17:57  

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