Thursday, January 19, 2006

this is Deep sh*t!

So, I wake up. Like. 5 minutes ago. Plan wasn't to have slept at all. Homework. Due. In 2 hours. Haven't started. Sh*t.

So, what do I do. Boot up Blogger. Look up stat counter. Good Morning and Hallelujah!

I have hits from a link on a new-born blog that is just a few hours into its life. Hmm.

The author, who goes by the moniker Deep, writes: "My old buddy, lets call him poweryogi, who never shys away from experimenting seems to have found his religion in blogging." Hmm.

If I think who I think this is, and I think I may be thinking right, I think this is awesome! There's a reason why Serendipity is the most beautiful word in the english language. Welcome to the blogosphere, Deep ! This is a way cool way to start my day.

OK. Got to run. Homework. Due. In 1h 50mins. Haven't started. Sh*t.


Blogger PowerYogi said...

testing comments.

11 February, 2006 00:51  

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