Thursday, November 17, 2005

What passport do you travel on?

I was chatting with Byron and C last evening when this question came up. I was wont to say Indian, but we agreed that I might be better off travelling on a Chicago GSB passport now !

I am happy to report there might be some truth to that.

Today started out Awesome. Awesome like the way I like my Awesome. With an Adventure.

There is something about traveling that I just absolutely love. I don't know - every time I set out, it's one unexpected thing after another. I am off to a recruiting thing next week to the UK, for which I need a visa. The primo procrastinator that I am, I neglected doing anything about it. I travel next tuesday, so I figured it's kinda time to go get one. So, the day before yesterday, I went online to check the procedures and they said that I needed an appointment. Luckily I got one for 9 AM this morning. Then I bought a decent priced ticket, and also found a place to stay.

Last evening, I realized that I needed to actually apply for the visa. Was going to do it after a night out celebrating our Fuqua Finals with my team. Sure enough, I had a good time and, sure enough, I came home and fell asleep :) Without setting an alarm. Got to say, I did get a good night's sleep. I woke up at 7:30 this morning and I kept thinking that there was something I had to do. It hit me like 15 minutes later ! So, I run down to the computer lab and start filling out the application. It took me around 30 minutes or so, including trips back to my room to get information about every single time I visited the UK. If you are wondering, or are beyond wondering as a long-time reader of this blog :), why I didn't do this stuff from my room - they require this thing to be printed out, and though I have a perfectly fine printer capable of not only printing, but scanning and copying, it's still sitting in its box. For like the last two months :-)

Anyways, stuff done, I get ready to drive to the consulate. The optimist that I am, I discounted the traffic situation. Well, I was mistaken. The loved-by-the-big-time-consultants analyst that I am, I found a way out of the mess . My friend who I was giving a ride to knew a parking lot on a traffic-free street half-way-ish to the consulate. So I got off the highway, parked there, and took a cab downtown. Stupid, maybe. Did it work? Oh, I was only late by like 10 minutes to a 15-minute appointment window.

I get there and am fishing for the appointment letter when I see the fine print - No Cell Phones Allowed ! The one time I didn't need a cellphone - there it was, in my pocket! I was at a consultate in Toronto once where they didn't let me in with one, and they wouldn't keep it with them at the counter. So, I almost - true - considered burying it in the soil of one of the plants they had in the lobby :-) good thing I decided to ask if it was OK to carry it with me. Suprisingly - no wonder I love surprises - they were like Sure. I'd like to say it was my good looks, but I think it was the suit. (ok it was the suit - someone at the I-house who was walking by just told me it was a nice suit. Maybe she'll cook dinner for me? But, I digress)

That done, I walk in and get called on right away - only to realize that I hadn't even read the bold print.

'can i see some information about this MBA event?'
'you know we require a letter confirming participation right?'
Oopsie Again.
'Hmm, so, what do you do?'
I do the GSB.

'OK. You can pick up your visa this afternoon'

:-) Now, I just need to hand in my I-20 to the Office of International Affairs and hope to get a signature back from them authorizing my travel. I should get it with plenty time. Right?


Blogger PowerYogi said...

PY: You are travelling again - why am I sitting with my ears perked up and in anticipation of your next blog ?
mbafarbe | Homepage | 11.17.05 - 4:35 pm | #


you make me nervous
LCP warrior | Homepage | 11.17.05 - 5:14 pm | #


yog - where in UK next week? Will be in London Thu-Sun.
Le mba | Homepage | 11.17.05 - 5:32 pm | #


le Mba - actually, london. I'll be there wed-fri at least. we should meet up !
poweryogi | 11.17.05 - 5:45 pm | #


Dude..good luck with the London thing.

And I hear you dude...the whole MBA thing is making a very sane man like me do utterly dumbish things.
Metal | Homepage | 11.17.05 - 11:52 pm | #


PY is officially coming to London next week. We should meet up if you’re not too busy so that I introduce you to the LBS crowd and make you an honorary student. Shoot me an email (link is on my blog) before you come so that I can give you my mobile number.
KV | Homepage | 11.18.05 - 3:50 am | #


Hey Yog! Have been reading your blog on and off for a while now. Am based in London. Fancy a pint (if you egt the time)? It'll be great to meet the man behind the stuoendous blog. Do let me know mate.
Ron | 11.18.05 - 3:43 pm | #

19 November, 2005 02:50  

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