Spinning out of control. Literally.
I could have died and gone to heaven 30 minutes ago. Finished a really long day after midnight with my study group preparing for a mid-term tomorrow AM and was driving back home when I had an accident. It's been raining all day and the roads are slick and I was taking a corner on Lake Shore Drive (I was driving within speed limits) when I see this car in the next lane speed by real fast and real close. I braked to slow down when I guess my tyres locked up and next thing I know I lost control and am spinning (hydroplaning?). There was really nothing I could do but hold on to the wheel and hope for the best. I came to halt - facing incoming traffic - when my car hit the railings along the side of the road. Lucky for me, there wasn't any traffic in the slow lane. It could have been pretty nasty if there were because it was a curve and anyone incoming would have missed seeing me until it was too late. It was a good thing I was going slow because it wasn't a bad hit to the railing at all, just a slow thud. Tried to drive, but the car wouldn't move. Tried starting again, and this time it did, and I did a U on the highway and pulled into the next exit. I was pretty amazed to see that there wasn't any big-time visible damage to the vehicle. Hooray for plastic panels !! And no out-of-place noises or anything either. Drove back home without any further incident. Phew.
OK, I think I need to get some sleep to sleep this off. Have to be in a decent mental shape for my mid-term tomorrow.
OK, I think I need to get some sleep to sleep this off. Have to be in a decent mental shape for my mid-term tomorrow.
That was a close shave, Yogi. I'm glad you escaped unhurt. I can only imagine what might have happened if there was incoming traffic on the slow lane.
Good luck with the mid-term!
Mave | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 5:48 am | #
Glad to know you are ok. Brake carefully!
bzoink | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 11:53 am | #
Glad to hear you're okay. Too many late night study sessions. Get some rest after the midterm.
byron | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 12:19 pm | #
Oh, no, sweetie, that is horrible! Please take good care of yourself, the world is not ready yet to be PY-less!
Suzy | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 1:03 pm | #
dude - i just saw you and you didn't tell me you like, nearly seriously injured yourself! i'm glad you're okay ... this is what sleep deprivation does to us. lord only knows what would happen if i had a car on my current sleep schedule (probable outcome: single-handedly take out all pedestrians on chicago's south side).
the dirty canuck | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 2:26 pm | #
OMG! That's crazy. You sound pretty composed after almost DYING. Sheesh.
I'm glad to hear you're ok and I hope you get some rest.
margaritaLuvr | 10.25.05 - 3:35 pm | #
Ah...must have been so scary...glad that everything was not as bad and you are okay
Paa | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 3:57 pm | #
thanks guys, thinking back I don't remember what exactly happened once i realized i lost control - things went sooo fast - but i do vividly remember the last few seconds before impact. it was slow motion almost and i think i was going, wow how's this thing going to end. glad it did end without issues. it was definitely a first time for me. and i sho' hope the last.
poweryogi | 10.25.05 - 4:28 pm | #
Shit. I've done a 360 before on a dry road (but that was becuz the tires were completely bald) so I know the feeling. glad you're ok.
SgHama | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 9:46 pm | #
Careful drivin' in the crazy Chicago weather, my friend. Can't afford to lose any members of the unofficial blogger rant fest that seems to occur on at least a weekly basis lately.
Le Voyageur | Homepage | 10.25.05 - 10:16 pm | #
That's why I drive a Semi-Truck. Yeah I may spin it, but if I do I'll still be OK.
Keven | Homepage | 10.26.05 - 8:46 pm | #
Hey dude...that seemed closed. I understand the whole freakin short on sleeping thing...but man this read gave me jitters. Anyways, GL with your mid-terms.
Metal | Homepage | 10.26.05 - 8:52 pm | #
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