Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Back to Blogging

Sorry for the silence. I just had a quiet weekend thinking about nothing but the NFL playoffs, took my mind off the entire application process. I am almost done with my applications. I have MIT left for R2, that's due the 21st, and am seriously thinking about going for Haas for their R3, which is more of a real round. That is due 23rd, and will make it if my recommenders can put up with giving me another set of recommendations. I also want to go LBS R3 but it's not due until Feb 27, so got some time to think about that. And, I missed Stanford R2 but my recos are already in and GMAT score has been sent, so I am going to polish up my essays and go for R3. I know it's almost a no-hoper but if I've come this far, I might as well do it.

Some news on Kellogg. I called their office yesterday and they were very very considerate. I was told not to worry about the R2 deadline, I am most likely going to be considered. I also noticed a couple of egregious formatting errors in my essays. I had 'track changes' turned on in my word doc and a couple of comments from my reviewers somehow made it into the essays ! I was asked to call next week to see if I could submit a letter of explanation of the issues or some such. I don't know if it will really help, but at least it's a start. I think it's great that the adcoms understand my plight and my regard for Kellogg has gone up several notches just for that. I was seriously considering dropping out of my interview but now am going to go through with it and put my best foot forward.

And, finally, a couple of my fellow bloggers received mixed R1 decisions today. TechieDude made it to Michigan, but got dinged from MIT. Congrats, mate. It's been great following your application process, and am glad you made it to a school you like. And Harry Potter is on the MIT wait list. Good luck to you HP, it's not bad news, though not the good news you expected. I'm sure things will turn out for the best.

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